
Walimatul Urus
Together with our families
Natrah Zamri
Syamsul Rahman
Request the honor of your presence
25 December 2025
Visitors Centre
C1, Jalan Tanarimba Pine,
Tanarimba, Janda Baik,
28750 Bentong,
11:30 AM
Guests Arrival
12:30 PM
Arrival of Bride and Groom
1:30 PM
Sit-Down Lunch
3:00 PM
Event Ends
SOP guide
- Please adhere to all the S.O.P that have been set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
- Entry to the ceremony hall is permitted regardless of vaccination status, except for those with “Positive Covid-19” status.
- Individuals with symptoms or at high risk are encouraged to wear a face mask before entering the ceremony hall.
- Guests are allowed to shake hands, but it is recommended to regularly sanitize or wash hands.
- Guests experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or in close contact with a patient with COVID-19 are not recommended to attend the ceremony.
- Guests are encouraged to practice physical distancing of 1 meter if not wearing a face mask.
- Please adhere to the attendance time that has been set for smooth flow of the ceremony.
- We greatly appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.

Waze Event Location
Google Maps
Map Location Guide
Share your photos on our wedding day! add #NatrahSyamsul
Live event
Click “play” button above at the time & date as below
25 December 2025 @ 11.00am
money gift
Send “Money Gift” to the bride & groom
Thank you

When two become one..
Gift Registry
“Your presence is indeed the best present! If you feel particularly generous however, we welcome gift cards or vouchers from these preferred stores:
A) IKEA or
B) Harvey Norman
C) Others
Thank you for your thoughtful and kind gestures!”
gift registry
Click button above to see the list
Thank you
Dua For Us
“May Allah grant you blessings, send blessings upon you, and bring you together in goodness.”

Kindly RSVP
before 1st December 2025
Thank you